Austrian pine - PinusNigra
Not recommended for planting anywhere in US due to disease problems, and we do not sell them.
10 year old Austrian pine, before they had so many problems.
At one time was widely planted in the US but many problems due to susceptibility to many diseases and pests is no longer recommended in the US. Almost all larger trees in the midwest have died.
The Austrian pine is susceptible to a number of fungal diseases including lophodermium needle cast, diplodia (sphaeropsis) tip blight. The main one in the midwest killing them is Pine Wilt and the Zimmerman pine moth.
Was a fast growing, nice looking pine tree, but now is no longer the case, but many nursery’s still sell this plant. They do not care if they have a short life, and will not tell you of any problems.
Kelly Tree Farm, 191 Quincy Ave. Clarence IA 52216 - PH: 563-452-4300 -
Yellow belly sapsucker bird holes. Common on many pine and Red Cedar. Does not seem to hurt the tree.