White Pine after 4 years from a 3 ft potted
with proper weed control.
Advantages of using potted plants VS. larger balled and burlaped plants.
1. Lightweight, small hole needed 14"X 12", and easy planting can be done by anyone.
2. Trees are established the first year, so no long-term care is needed.
3. Watering is needed only if rains do not occur and the ground gets dry.
4. Small loss of root system when planting.
5. Low cost with low loss rate of less than 2%.
6. Within 5 years they can be 8-10 ft tall with good weed control and weather conditions.
Please take time to watch our video on trimming your Spruce and Fir Trees!
Things to consider for proper plants to use in your area.
1. Types of soils present and prior use of area. Example-sandy, loam, clay, rocks, PH of soil.
2. Contour of land. Example- flat, slope, hill, mountain.
3. Water: does area flood, does water pond up in any area for more than 2 days?
4. Annual average rainfall.
5. Hardiness zone for the plants you want to use, see below.
See Common Tree Planting mistakes for more detailed information.
Windbreak layout
1. If you are in the country and have the room, try to use at least 3 rows of evergreens on the west, north and northeast side of the area to be protected from the winter winds.
2. Windbreaks can be used on all sides of an area to be protected from the wind. The old rule of providing air circulation is no longer necessary since we turn on the air conditioner now when we get hot instead of opening the window.
3. If possible use smaller or low branching trees such as Junipers or Arborvitae on the outside row, as this row will start the wind blocking and catch any snow before it gets to the protected area. Example- Red Cedar, Techny Arborvitae, shrubs.
4. Use at least 2 rows of larger evergreens and using more rows of evergreens or larger deciduous trees will enhance the effectiveness and long life of the windbreak
Know the average rainfall in your area for planting, along with your minimum temperature shown below. Go to for average rainfall.
Latest USDA 2019 Plant Hardiness Zone Map for the USA. Click here to find your zone by zip code.