Highbush Cranberry in Bloom
The Highbush cranberry as it is commonly called, is a large shrub that is native to much of the U.S. It does well in Zones from 3-7 and can get 12 ft tall and larger with a medium rate of growth. Does well in most soil except wet ones, and lives a long time in wide spacing, with 25 year old plants still looking good with little dead wood. This species does not spread from root suckers so is one of our favorites for windbreaks and shelterbelts.
Has a nice white flower in the late spring and lots of red berries in late summer hanging on threw the winter into spring. The berries are not a preferred species for birds but if the weather gets bad they and other animals eat them readily. Berries have a strong smell, which disagree with some people. We recommend a spacing of 8-10 ft between plants in the row and at least 20-ft from any larger windbreak trees.
Potted cranberry
Lots of Red Berries in fall